This is a tour of the Hamburg Reptile Expo Show that was on February 25, 2017. In this video, you will see many types of exotic reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates (BUGS!). Other animals you might see in this video include:
<br>American Alligator
<br> Banded Day Gecko
<br>Banded Gila Monster
<br>Black Tree Monitor
<br>Blue Spiny Lizard
<br>Blue-tongued Skink
<br>Chinese Crocodile Lizard
<br>Crocodile Monitor
<br>Fiji Banded Iguana
<br>Green Iguana
<br>Henkels Leaftailed Gecko
<br>Inland Bearded Dragon
<br>Leopard Gecko
<br>Mexican Beaded Lizard
<br>New Caledonia Gecko
<br>New Caledonia Giant Gecko
<br>New Guinea Crocodile Skink
<br>Rhinoceros Iguana
<br>Anatolian Viper
<br>Angolan Dwarf Python
<br>Armenian Viper
<br>Aruba Island Rattlesnake
<br>Ball Python
<br>Black Milk Snake
<br>Black Rat Snake
<br>Black-headed Python
<br>Black-speckled Palm-pitviper
<br>Boelens Python
<br>Bolkar Viper
<br>Bornean Leaf-nosed Pitviper
<br>Brazilian Rainbow Boa
<br>Burmese Python
<br>Caucasus Viper
<br>Central American Bushmaster
<br>Central Asian Cobra
<br>Corn Snake
<br>Dumerils Boa
<br>Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
<br>Emerald Tree Boa
<br>Feas Viper
<br>Grand Canyon Rattlesnake
<br>Great Basin Gopher Snake
<br>Green Anaconda
<br>Green Tree Python
<br>Jamaican Boa
<br>King Cobra
<br>Latastes Viper
<br>Leaf-nosed Viper
<br>Madagascar Ground Boa
<br>Madagascar Tree Boa
<br>Massasauga Rattlesnake
<br>Mexican Lance-headed Rattlesnake
<br>Moorish Viper
<br>Mt. Mang Pitviper
<br>Northern Death Adder
<br>Ocellate Mountain Viper
<br>Osage Copperhead
<br>Philippine Pitviper
<br>Prairie Kingsnake
<br>Red-tailed Boa Constrictor
<br>Reticulated Python
<br>Ridgenosed Rattlesnake
<br>Rosy Boa
<br>Sawu Python
<br>Side-striped Palm-pitviper
<br>Southern Twig Snake
<br>Speckled Forest Pitviper
<br>Stuarts Milk Snake
<br>Szechwan Speckled Pitviper
<br>Timber Rattlesnake
<br>West African Gaboon Viper
<br>Western Cottonmouth
<br>Western Pygmy Rattlesnake
<br>Yangtze Mamushi
<br>Yellow-blotched Palm-pitviper
<br>Aldabra Tortoise
<br>Alligator Snapping Turtle
<br>Arakan Forest Turtle
<br>Asian Giant Pond Turtle
<br>Balkan Hermanns Tortoise
<br>Box Turtle
<br>Cape Speckled Padloper Tortoise
<br>Central American River Turtle
<br>Common Map Turtle
<br>Common Musk Turtle
<br>Egyptian Tortoise
<br>Elongated Tortoise
<br>Galapagos Tortoise
<br>Gopher Tortoise
<br>Leopard Tortoise
<br>American Bullfrog
<br>American Toad
<br>European Green Toad
<br>Giant Marine Toad
<br>Golden Mantella
<br>Green-and-black Poison Dart Frog
<br>Mountain Chicken
<br>Panamanian Golden Frog
<br>Plains Leopard Frog
<br>Puerto Rican Crested Toad
<br>Surinam Toad
<br>Tomato Frog
<br>Vietnamese Moss Frog
<br>Waxy Tree Frog
<br>Whites Tree Frog
<br>Wyoming ToadAlligator Newt
<br>Blue-tailed Fire-bellied Newt
<br>Emperor Newt
<br>Fire Salamander
<br>Iberian Ribbed Newt
<br>Marbled Salamander
<br>Three-toed Amphiuma
<br>Tiger Salamander
<br>Western Lesser Siren
<br>Alligator Newt
<br>Blue-tailed Fire-bellied Newt
<br>Emperor Newt
<br>Fire Salamander
<br>Iberian Ribbed Newt
<br>Marbled Salamander
<br>Three-toed Amphiuma
<br>Tiger Salamander
<br>Western Lesser Siren
<br>Inland Bearded Dragon
<br>Caiman Lizards
<br>Leopard Gecko
<br>Mexican Beaded Lizard
<br>New Caledonia Gecko
<br>New Caledonia Giant Gecko
<br>All of the animals in this video were beautiful, to see what I picked up, follow me on Instagram @tomaspasie