
1 Views · 8 months ago

El doctor #federicovonson nos habla de la alimentación y ejercicio adecuado para cada persona según su adn. Descubre que es la #Nutrigenética y lo que aporta al mundo de la #salud y #bienestarintegral.<br />También nos acompaña el #healthcoach #adealvarado director de el evento de bienestar integral mas importante de México el #bienfest.<br />Vota en los #bienpremios por mi #marissagomez y por mi programa #Hoycambia tuvida si te gusta lo que presento! y por el doctor #fedevonson como especialista en el tema #tuadnfit<br /><br />MARISSA GÓMEZ:<br />CONFERENCISTA, LICENCIADA EN COMUNICACIÓN, MAESTRA EN DESARROLLO HUMANO, COACH, ESPECIALISTA EN PSICOLOGIA POSITIVA , NEUROLIDERAZGO, METTA LIDERAZGO Y TÉCNICAS DE TRANSFORMACIÓN.<br /><br />FB:<br />YT:<br />TW:<br />TW:<br />IG:<br />PODCAST:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Socia fundadora de la empresa #AWAKE y<br />representante en México de UNIFY Mundo Español.<br /><br />SESIONES DE TRANSFORMACIÓN PERSONAL<br />CONTACTAR VIA WHATS APP (55 54 52 40 10).

1 Views · 8 months ago

5 Healthy Habits<br /><br />#healthyhabits #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #health #healthyfood #fitness #weightloss #healthy #healthyeating #wellness #nutrition #weightlossjourney #selfcare #healthychoices #motivation #healthylife #selflove #fitnessmotivation #healthcoach #habits #healthandwellness #mentalhealth #workout #mindset #goals #lifestyle #healthiswealth #healthybody #exercise #healthymind #healthy #fitness #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #health #food #fit #motivation #workout #lifestyle #gym #love #vegan #weightloss #foodie #fitnessmotivation #instagood #nutrition #training #foodporn #instafood #fitfam #diet #bodybuilding #yummy #healthyliving #exercise #healthyeating #wellness #delicious

0 Views · 8 months ago

Kaufen auf : <br /> <br />Sanitas SBM 50 Blutdruckmessger?t Oberarm Wei?-Silber <br /> <br />Oberarm-Blutdruckmessger?t mit Software <br />Mit HealthCoach Software zum Gratis-Download <br />Klinisch getestet gem?? ESH International Protocol <br />Mit WHO-Indikator <br />Mit Arrhythmieerkennung

1 Views · 8 months ago Kangoos Sandbags Indo Boards

0 Views · 8 months ago

Amazing Benefits of Eating Roasted Gram <br />.<br />.<br />.<br />#healthcoach <br />#fitnessmodel <br />#healthyhair <br />#healthyfitness <br />#healthsolutions

1 Views · 8 months ago

Benefits of Eating Dry Fruits on an Empty<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />#healthcoach<br />#fitnessmodel<br />#viral<br />#dryfruitsandnuts

0 Views · 8 months ago

Benefits Of Eating Pistachios <br />.......<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />#healthcoach #fitnessmodel<br />#viral #trending #healthylifestyle

1 Views · 8 months ago

Many Benefits Of Eating Soaked Cashews <br />#health #healthcoach #kaju #watter <br />#fitnessmodel

0 Views · 8 months ago

Benefits Of Eating Gaggery<br />#healthcoach #fitnessmodel

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Benefits Of Eating Raisins <br />.<br />.<br />.<br />#healthcoach #healthylifestyle<br />#fitnessmodel #fitness

1 Views · 8 months ago

Benefits Of Eating Dates Every Day<br />#healthcoach #healthfoods #reels #fitnessmodel

0 Views · 8 months ago

Amazing kiwi Benefits<br />#healthcoach #fitnessmodel

1 Views · 8 months ago

Vidéo d'introduction sur le site internet avec toute l'équipe

0 Views · 8 months ago

Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient that plays a vital role in various bodily functions, including bone health, immune system support, muscle function, and cell growth. A deficiency in vitamin D can lead to several symptoms and health complications. Here are 10 signs of vitamin D deficiency:<br /><br />Fatigue and Weakness: Feeling tired and fatigued, even after adequate rest, is a common symptom of vitamin D deficiency. This can affect daily activities and energy levels.<br /><br />Bone and Muscle Pain: Deficiency in vitamin D can cause bone pain and muscle aches. It may manifest as generalized pain or specific discomfort in the bones and muscles.<br /><br />Frequent Illnesses: A weakened immune system due to low vitamin D levels may increase susceptibility to infections and illnesses, leading to more frequent colds, flu, or other respiratory infections.<br /><br />Depression and Mood Changes: Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to mood disorders like depression and anxiety. Individuals with deficiency may experience mood swings, irritability, or feelings of sadness.<br /><br />Impaired Wound Healing: Vitamin D plays a role in the body's ability to repair and heal wounds. Deficiency can slow down the healing process of cuts, bruises, or injuries.<br /><br />Hair Loss: In some cases, inadequate levels of vitamin D might contribute to hair loss or thinning, although this can be due to various factors.<br /><br />Bone Health Issues: Vitamin D is crucial for calcium absorption in the body, and its deficiency can lead to conditions like osteoporosis or brittle bones, increasing the risk of fractures.<br /><br />Muscle Weakness: Insufficient vitamin D levels can contribute to muscle weakness and reduced strength, impacting mobility and physical performance.<br /><br />Difficulty Sleeping: Some studies suggest a correlation between low vitamin D levels and sleep disturbances like insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns.<br /><br />Impaired Cognitive Function: There's emerging evidence linking low vitamin D levels with cognitive decline, memory problems, and an increased risk of developing conditions like dementia.<br /><br />Vitamin D deficiency can occur due to various reasons such as limited sun exposure, inadequate dietary intake, certain medical conditions affecting absorption, or factors that limit the body's ability to produce vitamin D.<br /><br />Incorporating foods rich in vitamin D (like fatty fish, fortified dairy products, egg yolks, and fortified cereals) and spending time in sunlight can help maintain adequate levels. However, if you suspect a deficiency, it's important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. They may recommend supplements and lifestyle adjustments based on individual needs.<br /><br /><br />Hashtags <br />#VitaminDDeficiency<br />#VitaminD<br />#SunshineVitamin<br />#VitaminD3<br />#BoneHealth<br />#HealthyLiving<br />#ImmuneSystem<br />#HealthAwareness<br />#SunlightDeficiency<br />#WellnessWednesday<br />#HealthyBones<br />#VitaminDeficiency<br />#VitaminDKiKami<br />#HealthTips<br />#StayHealthy<br />#DeficiencySymptoms<br />#SunlightBenefits<br />#VitaminDImportance<br />#StrongBones<br />#HealthIsWealth<br />

1 Views · 8 months ago

Title: Mumps Treatment - کن پڑے کا علاج (Kan Paray Ka Ilaj) in Urdu - Mumps Swelling Causes, Symptoms & Treatment in English<br /><br />Description:<br /><br />Mumps, known as "کن پڑے" in Urdu, is a viral infection that primarily affects the salivary glands, causing them to swell. This condition can be uncomfortable and painful, but there are effective treatments available. In this video, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for mumps.<br /><br />Causes: Mumps is caused by the mumps virus, which is highly contagious and spreads through respiratory droplets. It can be contracted through close contact with an infected person, sharing utensils, or touching contaminated surfaces.<br /><br />Symptoms: Mumps is characterized by swelling of the salivary glands, especially the parotid glands, which are located on the sides of the face. Other common symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, and difficulty swallowing. In some cases, mumps can lead to complications such as orchitis (testicle inflammation), meningitis, or deafness.<br /><br />Treatment: Managing mumps involves supportive care to alleviate symptoms and prevent complications. This may include bed rest, pain relievers, and warm compresses to reduce gland swelling. It's crucial to stay hydrated and consume soft, easy-to-swallow foods. Avoiding close contact with others is essential to prevent the virus from spreading.<br /><br />Prevention: The most effective way to prevent mumps is through vaccination. The MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine is routinely administered in childhood and provides long-lasting immunity against mumps. Encouraging vaccination among children and adults is crucial to reducing the spread of mumps.<br /><br />Join us in this informative video as we discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for mumps, as well as the importance of vaccination in preventing this contagious viral infection. Stay informed and take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from mumps and its potential complications.<br /><br />Hashtags for <br />#MumpsTreatment<br />#MumpsSwelling<br />#MumpsCauses<br />#MumpsSymptoms<br />#HealthTips<br />#ViralInfections<br />#MedicalAdvice<br />#InfectiousDiseases<br />#Healthcare<br />#Wellness<br />#StayHealthy<br />#Prevention<br />#MumpsAwareness<br />#ImmunityBoost<br />#HealthyLiving<br />#HealthEducation<br />#HomeRemedies<br />#NaturalRemedies<br />#DoctorAdvice<br />#MumpsPrevention<br />

1 Views · 8 months ago

Are you feeling rundown and unproductive lately? If so, you may be lacking in zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral that is needed for normal body function. In this video, we're going to discuss the 12 signs of zinc deficiency and how to unlock the benefits of zinc if you're suffering from any of them.<br /><br />If you're not getting the benefits you're expecting from your zinc supplementation, it may be time to check if you're missing this essential mineral. By understanding the signs and symptoms of zinc deficiency, you can take the first step in recovering and restoring your health!<br /><br />Please subscribe to our channel for the latest upcoming videos on different medical topics which may be helpful for understanding your disease.<br /><br />Subscribe: <br /><br />Feel free to contact us on WhatsApp: 0333 2877351 and book your online consultation with Dr. Abdullah Iqbal for just PKR 1000.<br /><br />Biography<br />Dr. Abdullah Iqbal is a consultant General Surgeon currently practicing in different hospitals in Karachi. He completed his graduation from Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences in 2013 and did his post-graduation from Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Karachi in 2018. His area of interest includes Thyroid surgeries, Breast Surgeries, Abdominal surgeries, Scrotal Surgeries, and Piles Surgery.<br />He is an oncologic surgeon with a special interest in colorectal and breast surgeries.<br /><br />To find out more about Dr. Abdullah Iqbal visit our website<br /><br /><br />Notice: for any collaboration please contact us at or call us at 0333-2877351<br /><br />#ZincDeficiency<br />#HealthWarning<br />#NutritionMatters<br />#ZincKiKami<br />#ZincBenefits<br />#MineralDeficiency<br />#HealthyLiving<br />#WellnessTips<br />#ZincAwareness<br />#NutrientBalance<br />#ZincSupplements<br />#DietaryTips<br />#StayHealthy<br />#HealthIsWealth<br />#ZincRichFoods<br />#VitaminAndMinerals<br />#BodyHealth<br />#NutritionEducation<br />#PreventDeficiency<br />#ZincImportance<br />

0 Views · 8 months ago

What is Typhoid Fever?<br /><br />Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection caused by Salmonella typhi. It is typically contracted by consuming contaminated food or water. This illness is characterized by symptoms such as high fever, weakness, stomach pain, headache, loss of appetite, and in some cases, a rash of flat, rose-colored spots. Typhoid fever can be a serious and potentially life-threatening condition if left untreated.<br /><br />Typhoid Test:<br />To diagnose typhoid fever, various tests can be conducted. The commonly used methods include blood tests, such as the Widal test or blood culture, to detect the presence of Salmonella typhi bacteria in the bloodstream.<br /><br />Symptoms of Typhoid (Typhoid Ki Alamat):<br /><br />High fever that gradually increases<br />Weakness and fatigue<br />Stomach pain and discomfort<br />Headache<br />Loss of appetite<br />Rash of rose-colored spots<br />Constipation or diarrhea<br />Treatment and Medicine for Typhoid (Typhoid Ka Ilaj):<br />Treatment for typhoid fever typically involves antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare professional. Commonly used antibiotics include ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, and ceftriaxone. Adequate rest, maintaining hydration by drinking plenty of fluids, and a nutritious diet are also essential for recovery.<br /><br />Prevention methods include practicing good hygiene, consuming safe and clean water, washing hands before eating, and getting vaccinated against typhoid if traveling to regions where the disease is prevalent.<br /><br />It's crucial to seek medical attention if experiencing symptoms associated with typhoid fever to receive proper diagnosis and treatment.<br /><br />Please note that this information serves as a general overview. Consulting a healthcare professional is recommended for accurate diagnosis, treatment, and guidance tailored to individual circumstances.<br /><br />Hashtags<br />#TyphoidFever #TyphoidTest #TyphoidSymptoms #TyphoidTreatment #TyphoidMedicine #Healthcare #InfectiousDiseases #MedicalTests #HealthAwareness #StayHealthy #MedicalTreatment #PreventiveMedicine #HealthTips #Wellness #PublicHealth #HealthyLiving #HealthEducation #InfectiousDiseaseControl

1 Views · 8 months ago

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1 Views · 8 months ago

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0 Views · 8 months ago

#Sharethelove<br />#Stayhome<br />#StayHealthy<br /><br />By practicing social distancing, you are being responsible by staying in and doing your part in helping the situation out there. We have a playlist on Covid-19 and mental health for you:<br /><br />Credits <br />Writer: Laura Santospirito<br />Script Editor: Rida Batool & Kelly Soong <br />VO: Amanda Silvera <br />Animator: AwesomeKick<br />YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong<br /><br />Citations:<br />Home.” Sutter Health,<br />Radin, Sara. “The Case For Getting Dressed.” Why You Should Get Dressed During Covid-19 Quarantine,<br /><br />Favour needed! We have a playlist on the topic of Covid-19 and mental health. If you find our content helpful during these tough times, do consider sharing Psych2Go with your friends and love ones. It would mean a lot! Thanks! <br /><br />Covid-19 and playlist:<br /><br /><br />Want to request topics? Email us at<br />Category: Education<br />License: Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

1 Views · 8 months ago

घर पर इस तरह बनाएँ soft and tasty आलू पराठा..full recipe #shorts #youtubeshorts #backtobasics<br /><br />#edufunwithneha #BackToBasics​ #Stayhealthy #Motivationalvideo<br /><br />#edufunwithneha #education​ #bilingual​ #motivation​ #blessed​ #stressbuster​ #motivationalquote​#lawofattraction​​ #success​​ #inspiration​​ #lawofattraction<br /><br />Welcome to EduFun with Neha. In this Channel we will be sharing videos related to knowledge of every other kind with detailed and complete explanations. The channel has a motive of spreading knowledge in a very simple manner so that even complex things becomes easy and viral to all and the content will be bilingual (both Hindi and English).<br /><br />If you have missed my previous videos then you can watch it again using link:<br /><br /><br />Follow us on<br />Dailymotion:-<br /><br /><br />Facebook:-<br /><br /><br />Instagram:-<br /><br /><br />YouTube:-<br /><br /><br />If you support my motive & want me to make more such videos then Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE it with your friends. COMMENT below & let me know if you have any suggestions.

0 Views · 8 months ago

Top 10 countries with highest current account balance data is beautiful<br />re you ready to dive into the mesmerizing world of data through the power of music? Join us on a journey where data meets art, and numbers come to life in the most beautiful way possible. <br /><br /> Data Visualizations ✨ | Stunning Music Compositions <br /> World Data Exploration ️ | Top 10 Rankings <br /> Stats Galore! | Bar Chart Brilliance <br /><br />Our YouTube channel is your gateway to a realm where statistics and music harmonize like never before. Whether you're a data enthusiast or just love great tunes, hit that subscribe button and ring the bell to never miss a captivating video! <br /><br />Join our Data is Beautiful community on Facebook for even more data-driven discussions:<br /><br />And don't forget to check us out on Dailymotion:<br /><br />Thank you for watching, and remember to #StayBlessed and #StayHealthy! <br /><br /><br />#shorts,#shortsfeed,#trending,#viral,#youtubeshorts,data is beautiful music,data is public,popular,most,data,ranking,stats

2 Views · 8 months ago

On the show today: Ford unveiled the Mustang Mach-E all-electric crossover and the GT stays closer to the Mustang's roots than you may think; Google Stadia drops tomorrow and they announced 10 more games; TikTok may launch a music streaming service to compete with Spotify and Apple Music; T-Mobile CEO John Legere is stepping down; CEO and Co-Founder of VSCO joins to discuss the state of social media; Hands on review of the nostalgia driven Motorola Razr; China successfully tests their Mars lander; British inventor Richard Browning successfully flew his Ironman-inspired jet suit a record-breaking 85 mph; NASA's Mars rover showed some unexplainable fluctuations in oxygen levels based on the seasons; Predicting weather anywhere on the globe with IBM Watson and The Weather Company; Ovation's JOURNY travel app; Stayhealthy and how A.I. could change the behavior of children and help prevent obesity.

1 Views · 8 months ago

Penyebaran virus Corona di Indonesia sampai saat ini masih belum bisa terkendali.<br /><br />Hal ini tentu saja tidak terlepas dari masuknya covid varian Delta ke Indonesia. Di mana varian baru ini dianggap lebih ganas karena lebih mudah menular.<br /><br />Dengan fakta tersebut, tentu saja ini berarti bahwa kita masih harus terus mengikuti protokol kesehatan serta menjaga kesehatan tubuh, supaya imun kita selalu optimal.<br /><br />Salah satu hal yang tidak boleh kita lupakan adalah dengan mengkonsumsi vitamin yang cukup dan teratur. Selengkapnya dalam video ini.<br /><br />Artikel terkait: <br /><br />#Vitamin #Covid19 #StaySafe #StayHealthy<br /><br />Pengisi Suara/Video Editor: Anistya Yustika Putri/Bayu Yunianto<br />==================================<br /><br />Homepage:<br />Facebook Fan Page:<br />Instagram:<br />Twitter:

1 Views · 8 months ago

How to Make Mask at Home with Tissue Paper easy step // #onetimeusemask<br /><br />How to Make Mask at Home with Tissue Paper Easy Step // one time mask use bangla<br /><br />Hi Friends ..<br /><br />Subscribe my YouTube channel /- BEAUTY INDIA<br /><br /><br />#mask #tissuepaper #maskmakingtutorial #howtomakeownfacemask #tissuemask<br />#protectCoronaviraus #facecover<br />#COVID-19 alert #staySafe #stayHome<br />#Coronavirusdisease #maskmakingtutorialbengali #howtomakemaskathome <br />how to make a #maskwithtissuepaper<br />#COPPA #Coronaviruses #protectcorona #staysafe #stayhealthy #safecare #coronadisease #lockdown #CottonMask<br />how to make mouth mask with tissue paper<br />#maskmaking #diymask<br />#diyfacemask #withtissuepaper<br /><br />diy sheet mask with tissue<br /><br />how to make mask with paper<br /><br />how to make face mask with tissue paper<br /><br />how to make surgical mask with tissue paper<br /><br />how to make mask from handkerchief<br /><br /><br /> THANKS FOR WATCHING MY VIDEO <br />

0 Views · 8 months ago

With the onset of Winter, it becomes crucial to keep your health in check, especially the skeletal joints. Keep yourself aware of all the preventive measures you need to take to maintain the optimum health of your Joints. Learn how the Winter season can affect your joints and how you can avoid the probable medical complications directly from the expert - Dr. Ashutosh Shrivastava, Sr. Consultant & Head - Orthopaedics and Joint Replacement at Metro Hospital, Faridabad.<br />Click here to know more about the doctors:<br />Visit our website to know more about Metro Group of Hospitals and its facilities.<br />#stayhealthy #spreadawareness #KneesPainInWinter #JointPainInWinter #MetroHospitals #Metrohospitalfaridabad

0 Views · 8 months ago

you are welcomed to this channel.<br /><br />Beautiful Girl in GYM Fitness # GYM फिटनेस द्वारा सुंदर लड़की #<br /><br />This video represents gym fitness makes a beautiful man.<br /><br /><br />Please Follow me:-<br />Facebook :-<br />Tweeter :-<br />Linkedin :-<br />Pinterest :-<br />Instagram :-<br />Telegram :-<br />Quora :-<br />Website :-<br /><br /><br />Thanks for watching this video.<br />

1 Views · 8 months ago

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0 Views · 8 months ago

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0 Views · 8 months ago

You are welcome to this channel.<br /><br />Beautiful girl in gym fitness, gym exercise for beautiness, and proper health.# जिम फिटनेस में सुंदर लड़की, सुंदरता के लिए जिम व्यायाम, और उचित स्वास्थ्य।<br /><br />Please Follow me:-<br /><br />Facebook :-<br /><br />Tweeter :-<br /><br />Linkedin :-<br /><br />Pinterest :-<br /><br />Instagram :-<br /><br />Telegram :-<br /><br />Quora :-<br /><br />Website :-<br /><br /><br /><br />Thanks for watching this video.<br /><br />

0 Views · 8 months ago

Coronavirus lockdown may have affected the daily lifestyles however many people are making the most of it by way of spending time with their cherished ones and doing all that they desired to do. <br /> <br />Actress Malaika Arora, too, has been making use of her domestic quarantine time in connecting with buddies and family and the usage of time for self-love and self-introspection. <br /> <br />Taking to her Instagram account, Mala shared a video and some snap shots to summarize her day. Captioning her submit she wrote, 'Cook, clean, workout, staying positive, sleep, some introspection, household time, repeat.... all the perks of stayin at home.... #stayhome #stayhealthy #staysafe'.

2 Views · 8 months ago

MANIFESTAZIONI IN TUTTA ITALIA CONTRO IL CERTIFICATO VERDE PER ENTRARE IN BAR E RISTORANTI: A ROMA LE FORZE DELL’ORDINE SONO DOVUTE INTERVENIRE PER DISPERDERE I MANIFESTANTI.<br /><br />Video Emanuele Gambino<br />Unfoldingroma<br /><br /><br />Disordini durante la manifestazione contro il green pass a Roma. Le forze dell'ordine sono intervenute disperdendo i manifestanti anche con l'utilizzo dei mezzi blindat -aggrediti alcuni giornalisti / fotoreporter da esponenti di estrema destra <br /><br /><br />#socialdistancing #covid #stayhome #coronavirus #staysafe #quarantine #dirumahaja #stayathome #lockdown #corona #love #quarantinelife #stayhealthy #pandemic #workfromhome #physicaldistancing #newnormal #instagood #flattenthecurve #photography #instagram #nature #washyourhands #selfisolation #isolation #art #socialdistance #stayhomestaysafe #indonesia #bhfyp

0 Views · 8 months ago

In this video am showing you a simple yet delicious muskmelon shake in a different way.Muskmelon is easy available fruit in summer .Try it, taste it n stay healthy<br /><br />Please Like Comment and Subscribe to our Channel... <br /> Share it with your loved ones if you liked our videos... <br /><br />#Amazingdrink​ #Softdrink​ #RefreshingDrink​ #Waitlossfriendly​ #VitaminC​<br />#SoftnglowSkin​ #StayHydrated​ #PerfectSummerFruit​ #Licious​ #StrongImmune​ #Stayhealthy​ #BloodPressureFriendly​ #BoostImmunity​ #StressRelieving​ #StayHome​ #StaySafe​ <br /><br /><br />#greengrapejuice​ =​<br />#Payasam​ =​<br /># Malabarspinach =​<br /><br />BeatbyShahed<br />​​<br />​​<br />​​<br />

0 Views · 8 months ago

YOU ARE WELCOME TO THIS CHANNEL.<br /><br />THIS Yoga removes all diseases of the stomach.<br /><br /><br />Please Follow me:-<br />Facebook :-<br />Tweeter :-<br />Linkedin :-<br />Pinterest :-<br />Instagram :-<br />Telegram :-<br />Quora :-<br />Website :-<br /><br />Thanks for watching this video.<br />

2 Views · 8 months ago

Doctor Doctor Song is a delightful nursery rhyme and kids song that introduces children to the world of doctors and medical care. Through catchy lyrics and an engaging melody, the song encourages children to imagine themselves as doctors, caring for their patients and promoting good health. <br />#DoctorDoctorSong #NurseryRhymes #KidsSongs #ChildrensMusic #DoctorRoleplay #HealthcareForKids #Imagination #MedicalCare #VisitTheDoctor #StayHealthy #GoodHealth #TakingMedicine #ChildhoodLearning #EducationalSongs #FunAndLearning #ImaginativePlay #KidFriendlyMusic #SingAlong #ChildrensEntertainment #KidsFun #HealthAndWellness #NurseryRhymeTime #HappyKids #PlayfulMelody #LearningThroughMusic #HealthyHabits #ChildhoodDevelopment #KidsGrowth #MusicForKids #PreschoolSongs

1 Views · 8 months ago

You are welcome to this channel.<br /><br /><br />Girls are doing exercise in gym# लड़कियां जिम में कर रही हैं एक्सरसाइज # health and fitness#<br /><br /><br /><br />Please Follow me:-<br /> Facebook :-<br />Tweeter :-<br />Linkedin :-<br />Pinterest :-<br />Instagram :-<br />Telegram :-<br />Quora :-<br />Website :-<br /><br />Thanks for watching this video<br />

2 Views · 8 months ago

you are welcome to this channel.<br /><br /><br />Gym Exercising the Beautiful Girls part 2 #सुंदर लड़कियों द्वारा जिम व्यायाम# consultant review.<br /><br /><br />Please Follow me:-<br />Facebook :-<br />Tweeter :-<br />Linkedin :-<br />Pinterest :-<br />Instagram :-<br />Telegram :-<br />Quora :-<br />Website :-<br /><br />Thanks for watching this video.<br /><br /><br />

0 Views · 8 months ago

you are welcomed to this video.<br /><br /><br />Aerobic Dance Exercise by Wild Animals # जंगली जानवरों द्वारा एरोबिक नृत्य व्यायाम# Health and Fitness.<br /><br /><br /><br />Please Follow me:-<br />Facebook :-<br />Tweeter :-<br />Linkedin :-<br />Pinterest :-<br />Instagram :-<br />Telegram :-<br />Quora :-<br />Website :-<br /><br />Thanks for watching this video.<br />

1 Views · 8 months ago

You are most welcome to this channel.<br /><br /><br />Exercise and Yoga mix Vyayam # व्यायाम और योगा व्ययाम #<br /><br /><br /><br />Please Follow me:-<br /> Facebook :-<br />Tweeter :-<br />Linkedin :-<br />Pinterest :-<br />Instagram :-<br />Telegram :-<br />Quora :-<br />Website :-<br /><br />Thanks for watching this video<br />

0 Views · 8 months ago

10 Surprising Cleaning Hacks to Help You Healthy and Happy! Life Hacks and DIYs by Life For Tips<br />Spring cleaning around the corner? Check out these 10 surprising cleaning hacks to help you stay healthy and happy!<br /><br />#StayHomeWithMe #StayHealthy #Life For Tips<br /><br /><br /><br />About Life For Tips:<br />Welcome to your cheat sheet for creative and unique DIY projects, mixed with daily life fixes that keep you and your family in mind. Consider your life hacked!

0 Views · 8 months ago

ਅੈਨ੍ਹਾ ਰਾਸ਼ਨ ਤਾਂ ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦੇ ਪਿੰਡਾਂ ਦੀ ਕਿਸੇ ਹੱਟੀ ਤੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋਣਾ ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਇਹ ਪ੍ਰਵਾਸੀ ਮਜਦੂਰ ਰੱਖੀ ਬੈਠੇ ਆ। ਹਜੇ ਵੀਡਿਓ ਪਾ ਕੇ ਹੋਰ ਰਾਸ਼ਨ ਦੀ ਮੰਗ ਕਰ ਰਹੇ ਸੀ।<br />#FightAgainstCoronavirus #CoronavirusLockdown #StayHome #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #CoronavirusPandemic #CoronavirusCrisis #COVID19 <br /> #FightAgainstCoronavirus #CoronavirusLockdown #StayHome #Punjab #PunjabiNews #PunjabiLatestNews #PunjabPolice #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #CoronavirusPandemic #CoronavirusCrisis #CoronavirusIndia #COVID19 #COVID19India #IndiaFightsCorona #NarendraModi<br /><br /> #FightAgainstCoronavirus #CoronavirusLockdown #StayHome #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #CoronavirusPandemic #CoronavirusCrisis #COVID19 <br /><br />#NewCompany #Developed #Vaccine #China #India #Coronavirus #Covid19 #StayHome #StaySafe #StayHealthy #IndiaFightsCorona #PunjabFightsCorona

0 Views · 8 months ago

Grilled Chicken Sandwich | Juveria's Kitchen |<br /><br />Juveria's Kitchen. An Indian YouTube Cooking Channel.<br /><br />Follow Us on:-<br /><br />Instagram :-<br />Twitter :-<br />Facebook :-<br />Subscribe Now and press the bell icon so you will never miss a video again.<br /><br />#JuveriasKitchen #Cooking #Channel #Recipes #IndianKitchen #HomeMade #CookWithPassion #Kitchen #Tasty #Yummy #Delicious #Cook #Breakfast #StayHealthy<br />#CookWithJuveria #LockdownRecipes #Snacks #easySnacks #IndianRecipes #chicken #Sandwich #GrilledChicken #GrilledChickenSandwich #Grilled #VegSandwich

0 Views · 8 months ago

The "Wash Your Hands Song" is a fun and educational kids' song that promotes the importance of proper handwashing. Through a catchy melody and simple lyrics, the song encourages children to wash their hands with soap and water to keep germs away and maintain good hygiene. <br /><br />#WashYourHands #HealthyHabits #KidsSongs #NurseryRhymes #ChildrensMusic #KidsHealth #HandHygiene #StayHealthy #GoodHabits #KidsLearning #PreschoolSongs #ToddlerMusic #ParentingTips #FamilyHealth #StaySafe #KidsEntertainment

0 Views · 8 months ago

Peter Biantes says that apart from losing or gaining weight, a change in the diet must be beneficial to your body. A meal plan is a way of improving your well-being. But the number of meal plans available today has made many people confused about what plan to choose.<br />.<br />.<br />Also Visit:-<br /><br />.<br />.<br />..<br />.<br />#FitFood #GoodFoodChoices #HealthyHabits #FuelYourFitness #HealthGoals #MindfulEating #DietaryChoices #StayHealthy #ChooseHealth #EatSmart #HealthyChoices #FuelForLife

1 Views · 8 months ago

You are most welcome to this channel.<br /><br /><br />Exercising Beautiful Girl in Gym part 1 # सुंदर लड़कियों द्वारा जिम व्यायाम#<br /><br /><br />Please Follow me:-<br /> Facebook :-<br />Tweeter :-<br />Linkedin :-<br />Pinterest :-<br />Instagram :-<br />Telegram :-<br />Quora :-<br />Website :-<br /><br />Thanks for watching this video<br />

1 Views · 8 months ago

3 Healthy Drink Options<br /><br />#healthydrinks #healthyfoods #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthy #minumansehat #healthydrink #drinks #healthyliving #healthylife #nutrition #detox #health #juice #vegan #healthydrinksforhealthylife #organic #homemade #nutritionalhealth #minumankekinian #healthyjuice #food #smoothies #drink #tea #smoothie #foodie #fitness #summerdrinks #healthyeating #dietsehat #minumansegar #kombucha #immunebooster #healthysnacks #stayhealthy #diet #foodphotography #instagood #drinkstagram #minumantradisional #healthyeats #natural #foodporn #healthyrecipes #greentea #healthydrinking #minumanherbal #wellness #instafood #teatime #energy #healthfoods #weightloss #healthysmoothies #coffee #sustainability #jussehat #yummy #kunyitasam #detoxyourbody

2 Views · 8 months ago

When you sit or stand straight you increase the blood flow and circulation within your body. Just like when you bend your limbs in some awkward position you can experience numbness due to a decreased blood flow, when you keep them in the right position, you facilitate the blood reaching all parts of your body.<br />#OneMinuteVideo<br />#SittingPosition<br />#bloodflow<br />#StayHealthy<br />#BolskyTelugu<br /><br />నేను ఎలా కూర్చోవాలో అది నా ఇష్టం!!

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