I have been chasing that truck, <br />For 2kms, now and I will be dead <br />For the morsel the world cannot reach me, <br />Or the gods that cant make in my soil. <br />Why do these guys fight madly, <br />Brother to brother, friend to friend, <br />I and my type of folks live and die, <br />For the the beliefs and wrath <br />They carry, billions on arms are <br />Here to fight, but not a grain <br />To swallow, the land has become <br />Waterless and dry, even the rivers <br />have flown away, as if scared of <br />Human madness, Oh food, food <br />When will you appear for our hungry <br />Souls, which sure will go to heavens, <br />Since our penance are over forever, <br />And our sins have beeen wahed away <br />For all the humanity by our hunngry stomachs.<br /><br />RAVIKIRAN ARAKKAL<br /><br />http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/food-oh-food/