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Music therapy - Stable Stress of autonomic nerve · Improvement of depressive sympto 音楽療法 - 自律神経の安定 ス

1 Views· 04/18/24

Thank you for watching. <br /> <br />It has up to sleep for the BGM ・ music therapy, healing music. <br />And save up a lot of stress during the day, but it will no longer falling asleep mid-people and night. <br />By using the music for sleep, become the dominant "parasympathetic" of the body, to stabilize the autonomic nervous system. <br />Was in the tense state body becomes relaxed state, you can improve the falling asleep at night. <br />Stress is glad Once you get used to the power of to those who he troubled with insomnia, poor physical condition due. <br /> <br />□ the mental and physical symptoms that come from stress? <br /> <br />〇 Headache, neuralgia <br />〇 insomnia <br />〇 Dysautonomia <br />〇 Bulimia, anorexia <br />〇 Stomach pain, stomach ulcer <br />〇 Depression <br />〇 Irritable bowel syndrome <br /> <br />Etc...it can cause a variety of diseases. <br />In order to stress does not fall into a vicious cycle that produces stress, please try to support at an early stage. <br /> <br />Thank you very much. <br /> <br /> <br /><<<Japanese translation 日本語訳>>> <br /> <br />☆心と体に優しい音楽 (睡眠用音楽・リラクゼーション音楽・ヒーリング音楽) を公開しています。 <br /> <br />◆次のようなお悩みの方に是非おすすめします。 <br /> <br />不眠症・倦怠感・ストレス症・不安症・恐怖症・イライラ・頭痛・自律神経失調症・疲労・うつ病・統合失調症・心身症・パニック障害・ <br />社会不安障害・憂鬱・気力低下・活力低下・意欲低下・過呼吸・ストレス性の頭痛・胃痛・便秘 など

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